Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Current State of 'LOST'

I want to first start off with this... I love LOST. I think it is by far one of the smartest, freshest, innovative shows on television. For the last few years, I have tuned in faithfully each week to catch up on the survivors of Flight 815. When I first heard about the show and its premise I thought to myself "What kind of show can they make out of survivors of a plane crash on an island? What is gonna get me to watch it for more than a week or two?" I was hooked after the first episode. "Holy crap there is something on the island!" Over the first season I was intrigued at the idea there there was someone or something on the island before them. There were a lot of hidden easter eggs on the show with some episodes being totally captivating. At the end of the season we found out that there was in fact a group on the island or slightly off-shore. We were also shown over the course of the season that there was some kind of hatch just begging a few of the characters to get into. The second season was just as fun, giving us glimpses of other characters and incredible backstories that began to make one wonder exactly what it was that brought the characters to the island. That was more of a burning issue than who or what was on the island. "Why" became the question. The show continued to tease us all season long and left us with one of the best show cliffhangers in recent years.

Now, don't get me wrong. There were plenty of things that angered fans, including me. First and foremost, the long breaks between new episodes. With a show that gives so few answers and instead poses only more questions, this is very frustrating. Add into this, episodes that many people will consider "throwaways" and you have the recipe for a love/hate relationship. I love the show, I hate the breaks. I love to be teased with the mythology and the potential of what could be. I hate to think that the show will not answer all of these questions.

Where are we today? We are two episodes into the second part of the third season. The first six episodes of the current season really started to take the show into a new direction in regards to the "Others". It's great to see the show starting to delve into backstories of other characters and possibly open the door to new answer and reasons for the crash. It's infuriating, however to be given so little about some of the characters we are supposed to care most for like LOcke, Hurley and Sayid. I like Desmond and Juliet, but seriously, what is happening back on the main island? Are we supposed to believe that nothing of importance has transpired over the last few days or weeks? I was very pleased to know that once the show came back, there would be no 6 week break like were treated to last year. The problem was, there was too much given in the first "half" of the season. When are we getting back to what happened with Eko? Season 4?

In my opinion, the show has gotten too smart for its own good. The writes are sneaking such small items into the show that one is almost forced to spend Thursdays on message boards and websites dedicated to the show simply so you can keep up on all the little stuff that you've missed or overlooked. It was nice when you could piece all the cool stuff together with your friends. Now, it's almost a chore to look up all the hidden stuff. It's becoming harder and harder to tie things together when you're being given smaller and smaller pieces. I Personally, I feel like I have been able to keep up very well. I do enjoy looking at the easter eggs and pictures online of stuff I simply didn't catch the first time through. The problem is, I am one of only a few people that I know who does this. It's hard for me to discuss the show with casual fans. Where do I start? What do we talk about? How much does this other guy know? Do we talk about stuff we both know or do we try to show off and talk about the stuff we assume the other guy doesn't? My wife doesn't watch the show on the same level that I do. In fact, she doesn't even watch every episode. Arrgghhh! She seems content with what she does and doesn't know. How can that be!? There is no way she is getting everything out of the show that she can! Somehow, she doesn't feel that left behind. She only asks a few questions here and there. Maybe I am watching too closely? Are the writers messing with me? Are they just putting stuff in the show like the numbers on purpose? Will we ever know? I know the writers said in season one that they envisioned about 5 seasons worth of stuff, but for crying out loud, i hope they leave enough episodes to answer things. Let me say this... If this show ends up with anyone at all having a dream, I will get beserk on someone. I probably sound like someone who cannot be satisfied, but this show has me tuning in every week. Not because I feel obligated, but because when this show hits on all cylinders, there is nothing like it.

5 Words to Sum it Up: Too cerebral. Or is it?

1 comment:

Jamie Hunter said...

While LOST was one of my all time favorite shows it lost me after last season. To me it feels like they are just milking this show for the money now. It should have ended last year, but they always found a way to stretch it out a little more. With nothing ever being as it seems, this could go on for ever and ever. I'm beginning to think that the only way it will come to an end is if and when the ratings begin to plummet. It's a shame, but I would much rather rent, borrow or buy the DVD season after its all over to finish it. For a show that was so high on my must see list for the last two years somehow it "LOST" me.