I'm gonna review two of these at once. The first one I had was the "Berry" flavored tea. I purchased a 6 pack of the cans at Target for $5.99 last week. The first thing I realized was that the cans were not as big as I expected. The pictures and other print advertisements had me believing that the cans were the bigger 16 oz size that is very common in most energy drinks. Not the case. These are 12 ounce cans that are as big around as a Red Bull, only taller. Of course, the first thing I do is smell it when I opened it. Not too strong, however being that it is a "tea", I wouldn't expect much more than this. The flavor is nice. Kinda reminds me of specialty drink that you would get at a coffee shop or bookstore. There is very little aftertaste. I would liken this to an energy drink, which fits right in where Coca Cola wants this. I don't picture myself buying these one at a time at the store, especially if they end up around $1.50 or so. I'd rather get an energy drink or something else that I haven't tried. For a dollar, however, this is a good pickup. About a week after going through the Berry, I picked up a 6 pack of Peach from Target on sale for $5.50. Overall, I like the peach considerably more. Now, being that I am partial to peach flavored stuff, I will back up the statement with reasons. The second I opened it, I noticed it had a much stronger aroma to it. The taste is even stronger. This is something I would consider buying again individually. Would be great to have in the summer evenings when sitting out on the porch or stoop.
There has been some discussion as to whether or not you will actually burn calories from drinking it or not. Does it raise metabolism? Does it give me energy? Well, it gives me a little boost. Not great. I haven't had one of these with a meal. Instead, I usually have it about an hour or two after lunch with pretzels or a light snack. It doesn't matter to me what the studies about these drinks show. Everyone reacts differently to caffeine or taurine. These drinks do have a lot of caffeine. About 100 mg a can puts it up there with coffee drinks. One of the things I like best about Enviga is found on the back. Five total calories a can and the first ingredient is carbonated water. Aspartame is also listed as ingredient, but not high up. I don't worry too much about the effects of aspartame or Splenda. I don't have a high intake of either one of these. The one major ingredient I try to shy away from is high fructose corn syrup and it is nowhere to be found. if aspartame scares you, stay away from this one.
5 Words to Sum it Up: Nice hybrid drink. Good flavors.
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